South African Cultural Gospel Choir UK

About us

The South African Cultural Gospel Choir UK is a unique organisation which is formed by the most talented and proffessional African artists or musicians based in the United Kingdom and community.

Our main aim is to promote showcase of African heritage and Cultural interest for all ages,and host or support a variety of activities and events connecting people making S.A.C.T.U.K one of the most UK's cultural home.

We provide South African language classes workshops in schools and educational institutions,music and dance including bead making,traditional clothing and story telling to the World at large.We plan and provide annual festival of South African Music.

Our purpose is to work hand in hand with different charity organisations for children in need in the UK,South Africa and the World.


We also host cross-community programes exploring the richness of other cultures and South African Church.Our vision is to collaborate with South African organisations,local authorities and South African government.

South African Cultural Gospel Choir UK has a full membered choir of 20 singers,which has toured and performed all over UK and abroad,singing in different african languages, acapella, classical and traditional gospel songs with a 7 piece band as well as energetic Zulu dance that brings exitement and tells a story.

We perfom in different cultural venues, wedding celebrations, birthdays,funerals, concert halls, graduation ceremonies, Television recordings, studio sessions, mostly in all areas of the music industry.